Shipping fees include handling and packing fees as well as postage costs

Some products europebestseller will offer for free delivery.

Handling fees are fixed, whereas transport fees vary according to total weight of the shipment. We advise you to group your items in one order but terms and conditions apply. We cannot group two distinct orders placed separately, and shipping fees will apply to each of them. Your package will be dispatched at your own risk, but special care is taken to protect fragile objects.

Boxes are amply sized and your items are well-protected. if you order more products europebestseller may contact your mobile number  with in next day and explain if any issues, so we need your contact number. europebestseller keep your mobile number, your email and your business  with us all confidential for your privacy.

Notes: If You Receive The Package Broken, Or You Have Any Question About The Package, Please Don't Open Dispute and Leave Negative Feedback, Please Contact Us Firstly, We Will Deal With It.

Estimated delivery date

The estimated delivery date gives you an indication of how long it will take to receive the item which is based on:

Working days

The estimated delivery is given in carrier working days. Dispatch times don't include Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays. Transit times don't include major holidays and Sundays, but may include Saturdays, depending on the delivery service provider. For example, transit times for DHL/UPS services include Monday to Saturday (exceptions: DHL/UPS Special Delivery services include Monday to Friday with an additional charge for Saturday delivery).

Cleared payment

A payment is considered 'cleared' after customer payment has been deposited into the seller's account. If you pay using credit card, debit card, stripe payment or PayPal, the payment may clear immediately. once we receive your payment we will send a confirm note, then only we can dispatch the product.

Dispatch time

europebestseller will take 2 to 8 days time to dispatch your product from the warehouse. after  the product has been dispatched  from the warehouse to the logistic company then  an email will be send  to the customer. once the product has been dispatched it will take 15 to 35days for the product delivery, and customer will get the track link and track number by email. Delivery times may vary, especially during seasonal peaks and major holidays.

Important Note:

If the shipment is damaged during transportation, please contact us immediately after receiving the goods and take photos or video we will refund or resend the item to you. Terms & conditions apply. Thank you.
If You Receive The item Broken, Or You Have Any Question About The Package, Please Don't Open Dispute and Leave Negative Feedback, Please Contact Us Firstly with in 24hours and We Will Deal With It
Information on additional charges For items delivered internationally, you as a buyer may be subject to additional charges for VAT and/or customs duties in your country. For more information about these costs, please contact the customs office in your country Europe Best seller never pay for this additional charges .


If you prefer delivery by DHL/UPS  with required signature, an additional Extra cost will be applied, so please contact us before ordering the products. Terms and condition's apply

Shipments and returns

Packages are generally dispatched within 2 to 8 working days after receipt of payment and are shipped via Logistic  with tracking and drop-off without signature due to covid issues. Whichever shipment choice you make, we will provide you with a link to track your package online , our logistic will try to arrange the shipment for delivery  with in 15 to 35days .


The europebestseller will comply with other relevant legal requirements (warranty, return, etc.) that may be applicable depending on your location as buyer. For instance, in most EU countries you will generally have a 2-year legal conformity warranty and a 14-day right to return (please note that in case of return, the buyer must bear the cost of returning the products  and we will give the shipment address by customer need a email confirmation before send the shipment.). customer  must pack the products safely and send a photos we need, please contact by email anytime.